Japanese fashion designer Mihara Yasuhiro has a limited edition G-Shock collaboration watch coming in November. The custom G-Shock DW-5600 has a military theme with an all khaki green bezel and bands, black buttons, a black band buckle, and a black wire face protector. The face has a clean all-green design with just the button function names and no logos, and the EL backlight displays the Miharayasuhiro explosion logo.
The G-Shock x Mihara Yasuhiro DW-5600 will be released on November 11, 2016 for ¥21,600 JPY at the following stores in Japan: Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO, MIHARA YASUHIRO Isetan Shinjuku Men, MIHARA YASUHIRO OSAKA, MIHARA YASUHIRO Hankyu Men’s. For store locations visit www.miharayasuhiro.jp/locator.
Mihara Yasuhiro started the Miharayasuhiro shoe label in 1996. It now includes men and women’s clothing, and was renamed Maison Mihara Yasuhiro in 2015.